A lot of people like to take pride in the car they drive. Usually people aim for the more nice looking ones that are current models. In other words, people like to impress others with an expensive car.
A car's price, however, isn't always the only impressive factor. Car owners can be creative too. If you want to see a car with personality, you've come to the right place. From Van Gogh paintings to Patrick star wheels, the car possibilities are endless.
Check out some of the most creative car owners ever below.
#1. Doodling with a sharpie pen on a Nissan Skyline GTR.
This is doodling taken to another level.
#3. Someone used post-it notes to color their dashboard lights.
A brilliant idea to upgrade your dashboard!
#4. A bolted skeletal hand holding the rear view mirror.
This is especially perfect for the Halloween season.
#5. Literally, a van go.
Good job at being clever but extra points for accomplishing this illustration of Van Gogh.
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